Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight Plant Care Guide

Are you looking to expand your plant variety to something more exotic? Introducing the Scindapsus treubii Moonlight.

The Scindapsus treubii Moonlight is a rare houseplant that is surprisingly easy to care for! Read on for this ultimate care guide.

Scindapsus Treubii Background

Treubii Moonlight care

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Native to the tropics of southeast Asia, the Scindapsus treubii Moonlight is also known by its other common name, the sterling silver plant. One glance at its beautiful silver-green foliage and you’ll definitely see where it earns its name from!

The Scindapsus treubii Moonlight is most recognizable by its leaves. The leaves have a pointed-oval shape to them and are a gorgeous silver-green hue. It also has thick leaves and stems. When grown in best conditions, the leaves will grow bigger and longer!

While it is slow-growing, it can reach a sizable length at full maturity. An indoor adult Scindapsus treubii can reach a length of between 3 to 5 feet long, and spread up to 1.5 feet wide. These plants grow best when given a structure to climb upon.

If you’re a seasoned plant owner, you may have heard the term “aroid” previously; usually when describing a philodendron. Well, the Scindapsus treubii Moonlight falls under that same category. An aroid is a common name for a plant that is in the Araceae family. The Scindapsus treubii is actually a close relative of the satin pothos.

Unfortunately, the Scindapsus Treubii is toxic to both humans and animals. The calcium oxalate crystals that are in aroid plants can cause severe intestinal distress when consumed. It is advised to exercise extreme caution when keeping this plant near children and pets.

Scindapsus Treubii Care

Scindapsus Treubii in silver pot

Sun & Light

Place your plant in a spot in your home that receives bright, indirect light for the most part. This particular plant is capable of withstanding small periods of direct sunlight, but it should not spend all day in direct rays.

Conversely, they can handle partial-shade conditions. With that being said, too much darkness can stunt their growth and cause the leaves to fade.

Treubii Moonlight Soil Type

The sterling silver plant is very tolerable of many different soil conditions, and will fare very well in standard store-bought potting soil. The main components of the perfect Treubii Moonlight soil must be the ability to retain necessary moisture, while expelling any moisture that is unnecessary for the survival of the plant.

If you prefer, you can mix your own soil using 1:1: orchid bark, perlite, and soil. This mix of materials provides adequate drainage, moisture retention. In addition, this soil mixture’s pH level falls under slightly acidic, which is perfect for the Scindapsus treubii.


The Scindapsus treubii Moonlight prefers a soil that is moderately moist. Make sure to practice good water techniques as to not over water your plant. In order to keep your Scindapsus plant comfortable, it is recommended to only water your plan when the soil is nearly dry.

You don’t have to immediately water your plant, though bear in mind that if the leaves begin to curl, your plant is becoming dehydrated.


While the sterling silver plant is slow-growing, it can benefit greatly from a regular dosage of fertilizer during its most active growing period. During the spring and summer, add fertilizer to your plants with a half-diluted fertilizer that is higher in nitrogen, with a 20:10:10 ratio. This should be done every two weeks.

Hold off on fertilizing your plant during the fall and winter. Fertilizing your Scindapsus when it is not necessary can cause the soil to acidify too much, causing damage to the plant.

Temperature & Humidity

The Sterling Silver Scindapsus plant enjoys warm, humid temperatures that are a replica of its tropical origins. Aim for a temperature range in between 65° to 75° F, but do not allow the temperature to dip below 65° F.

In addition, humidity plays an important role in plant care as well. Maintain a humidity that is higher than 50%. If your home tends to be on the drier side, adding an electric humidifier to the room is extremely helpful in getting the air humidity up to where you want it to be.

Pruning & Maintenance

Because of its slow-growing nature, you will not have to prune back your Sterling Silver plant. It is always important to prune any foliage that is dead or damaged.

By removing damaged leaves, you’ll help encourage your plant to produce new, healthy growth. Always remember to use sterile, sharp pruning shears. You can sterilize your shears by giving them a quick dip in rubbing alcohol to kill bacteria.

Choosing a Container & Repotting

When selecting a pot for your sterling silver plant, it is extremely important to choose a pot that has multiple holes on the bottom. Since the Scindapsus moonlight loves a soil that is consistently moist, it is important to not over water it by allowing excess water to have a place to escape. Trapped water is the number one cause of bacterial/fungal infections.

The Scindapsus treubii Moonlight is a slow-growing plant, and therefore does not require frequent repotting. You’ll most likely have to re-pot your Scindapsus every 2 to 3 years.

You’ll only need to repot it sooner if you notice stray roots beginning to grow out of the bottom holes of the pot. When repotting your Scindapsus, size your pot up to the next size, 1 to 2 inches larger than the previous.

ScindapsusTreubii Moonlight Propagation

Like many plants of its kind, you can propagate a Scindapsus treubii Moonlight by using stem cuttings. Treubii Moonlight propagation is extremely easy and straightforward. Follow these steps to help make your rare plant multiply:

  1. Take a healthy cutting from your Scindapsus Treibii plant. This cutting must have at least 2 plant nodes on it. Place the cut an about an inch below the lowest node.
  1. Prune some of the lower leaves on the stem, exposing the nodes. There should still be at least 2 to 3 leaves at the top of the cutting.
  1. Prepare a pot with potting mix that is moistened with water, dig a small hole in the center of the potting mix.
  1. Bury the cut-end of the stem in the potting mix. Allow the remaining leaves to sit above the soil; this helps promote airflow.
  1. Place a clear plastic bag with two holes over the pot; this creates a makeshift greenhouse and keeps your juvenile plant warm and humid.
  1. Once every week, remove the plastic bag and spray the soil with water to keep it moist.
  1. It takes roughly 1 to 2 months for the cutting to root and develop new growth. At that time, you may repot your Scindapsus treubii to a larger pot.

Common Pests in Scindapsus

The treubii moonlight is not usually prone to pests when grown indoors. On rare occasions, it can be attacked by an infestation of scale or mealybugs. While the sight of pests attacking your Scindapsus Treubii can be frustrating for plant owners, luckily, there are easy and neutral methods to rid your plant of pests.

The most common method of pest control involves spraying neem oil on the affected plant. Neem oil is a natural insecticide that is extremely effective in cases of pests and fungal diseases. In addition, it is very important to trim and destroy any foliage that has been damaged by the pests.

Common Diseases in Scindapsus

Like many aroid plants that prefer a consistently moist soil, the Scindapsus treubii can be susceptible to root rot. Root rot often occurs in plants that have been overwatered. Combined with a lack of adequate drainage, the excess moisture can become trapped in the soil, which breeds root-killing bacteria. Common symptoms of root rot is yellowing leaves and wilting leaves.

Root rot can be extremely deadly when left untreated. However, with fast action, you can save Scindapsus Treubii plants and bring them back from the brink of death. Follow these easy steps to treat root rot in your Treubii Moonlight Scindapsus:

  1. Remove your Scindapsus treubii from its pot and gently shake away excess dirt.
  2. Inspect the roots; rotted roots are mushy and black compared to the firm, off-white color of healthy roots.
  3. Take a sterile pair of scissors and cut off any rotted roots you see.
  4. Repot your Scindapsus treubii using clean, new soil in a pot that has bottom holes.

Where to Buy


Are Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight rare?

Yes, these plants are very rare and you might have a difficult time trying to buy these in the garden section of your local garden store.
The bright side to owning one of these plants is that propagation is extremely easy. Once you own one sterling silver plant, you’ll be able to propagate and multiply them.

Is the Scindapsus Treubii a pothos plant?

No, it is not exactly a pothos, though it is closely related to them. The Scindapsus treubii is actually a close relative to the satin pothos.

Do Scindapsus Treubii like to climb?

Yes! These plants absolutely love to climb. Make sure you add a climbing structure for your treubii moonlight to grow and climb up. At their full height, an indoor-grown Scindapsus treubii can grow to a length of 5 feet long.

Why are the leaves on my Treubii Moonlight curling?

The leaves on your Scindapsus Treubii are curling, there’s a good chance that its not getting enough water. Try giving it a thorough watering and waiting a few days to see if the leaves begin to uncurl.

Why are the leaves on my Treubii Moonlight yellowing?

Yellowing leaves on a Scindapsus Treubii are often caused by too much water. Put your finger into the soil of your plant to check on the moisture. If it’s wet, give it ample time to dry out before you water it again. You’ll also want to trim off the yellow leaves since they won’t turn green again.

In Conclusion

I hope this Scindapsus Treubii plant care guide helps you know exactly how to grow and care for your plants! Scindapsus treubii Moonlight is not only beautiful, but is very easy to care for.

This is the perfect introduction to anyone looking to own rare and exotic houseplants. It will quickly become one of your favorites!

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  • Jen

    Jen got her first plant in college from her mom and the rest, as they say, is history! She's owned hundreds of plants over the years and loves learning how to grow each one. She believes everyone needs to own at least one plant in their home and loves sharing her knowledge with others.

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