
Hi, I’m Jen Biswas!

I’m a lifestyle and niche site blogger who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I’ve had a love of plants since my very first plant that my mom gave me in college (and no, I’m not going to tell you what year that was)!

It was a pothos plant and that little plant has resulted in tens of hundreds of additional plants that I’ve not only kept for myself but friends and neighbors.

jen biswas of paisley plants holding a plant

That one plant inspired me to get another and another until soon my home became full of more than 100 plants! I started out with the easiest plants to care for (as a mom to 3 little kids I needed easy!) and am slowly working my way through more difficult ones (I see you Mr Fiddle Leaf!).

In addition to plants I thoroughly enjoy a hot coffee with a generous pour of vanilla creamer, all things fashion and and organizing every nook and cranny. The 2 most important things to me are my faith and my family.

I was born and raised in Minnesota and married a hunky California boy who handles winter FAR better than I do! We have 3 kids and a rescue dog, so you can say our lives are full.

Biswas family

My Mission

This blog is meant to introduce you to the joy of plants and expand your knowledge of plants. It’s meant to take away any fear of adding that first plant to your home or trying again after the inevitable loss of plant.

It’s meant to add JOY to your home through plants!

My Why

My why is to remove any fear of taking the leap into owning a plant and launching you into a confident plant person.

My hope is that you stop by when you need a dose of inspiration or encouragement you’ll stop by. You’ll never find perfection here but you’ll find a mom who’s doing her best to find joy and spread it to those around.

I’m so thankful you found me and appreciate you sticking around! I hope you feel at home.

What next?

Check out one of my favorite blog posts like my Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree post or my Neon Pothos Plant post.

Hang out and be part of what real life is like on Instagram.

Wait, there’s more!


  • jen biswas of paisley plants holding a plant

    Jen got her first plant in college from her mom and the rest, as they say, is history! She's owned hundreds of plants over the years and loves learning how to grow each one. She believes everyone needs to own at least one plant in their home and loves sharing her knowledge with others.

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