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Lipstick Plant Care (Aeschynanthus Radicans)

Looking for lipstick plant care tips? This beautiful plant is great for hanging planters and gives the most unique looking blooms!

Today I’m sharing all my tips for growing a lipstick plant.

Lipstick plant care tips and tricks

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A plant that I bought on sale at our local hardware store has turned into one of my favorite plants! I needed something simple for a hanging pot in my office and decided to try a lipstick plant. At the time I didn’t even know that’s what it was!

I didn’t know if any plant would actually survive in the pot I had (the larger triangle one below) but to my surprise it not only survived – it thrived! It grew little red blooms (which is how I finally realized it’s a lipstick plant) and I’ve since propagated it and spread it to more parts of my home.

I should preface this by saying, lipstick plants prefer to be in pots with drainage holes as root rot is a common problem for these plants.

Lipstick Plant Background

The Lipstick Plant, proper name Aeschynanthus radicans, is an easy to grow plant.

Lipstick Plant Varieties

Like most plants, there are a ton of different varieties of lipstick plants. Some of the vanities include:

  • Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Curly’ – a curly q lipstick plant that has leaves that twist and curl.
  • Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Variegata’ – this variegated version has yellow, white and cream mixed into it’s green leaves
  • Tangerine’ – this lipstick plant gives you orange-yellow flowers!

The lipstick plant get their name from the flower buds that peek out from the darker red tubes! Often times when given enough light, these will bloom throughout the year.

Lipstick plant bloom

They’re native to the topical regions of Southeast Asia. In nature they grow on other plants or even rocks!

Lipstick Plant Care Tips + Tricks

The Lipstick Plant is such a fun and fairly easy plant to grow plant. The vines of lipstick plants can grow to be very long so these are great plants for hanging baskets. Here’s some thing to note when caring for your lipstick plant!

Lipstick Plant Water

Lipstick plant care tips and tricks

These plants don’t want to be overwatered so it’s best if you allow the top quarter of it’s soil to dry completely before watering again. Doing this will encourage blooms!

Like the Umbrella Plant, the Lipstick Plant typically needs to be watered about once a week in the spring and summer but more like 2 to 3 weeks in the fall and winter months.

You’re better off missing a watering than over watering so this is great for people who are prone to forget to water their plants! 😉

You can tell if you’re overwatering it if your plant starts losing it’s green color or under-watering it if the leaves have shriveled.

Lipstick Plant Light

Lipstick plants do best in a medium to bright spot. Be careful to not give it too much direct sunlight or it can burn. Alternatively, if it’s getting long and scraggly there’s a good chance it’s not getting enough light.

Depending on where you live, you can also put it outside in a partially shady spot to encourage even more growth!

Lipstick plants won’t bloom if they’re not getting enough light so keep that in mind if you haven’t seen any flowers blooming!

Soil for Lipstick Plant

Make sure you get well-draining potting soil for your Aeschynanthus radicans so your plant doesn’t get root rot from retaining moisture. Plant experts will tell you to include sand and sphagnum moss in your potting soil mix to make sure your lipstick plant has enough drainage to prevent any issues.

In their natural habitat, the Lipstick Plant is an epiphytes meaning it will grow on other plants such as trees, branches, and other plants. Another familiar epiphyte is an air plant!

Temperature and Humidity for a Lipstick Plant

Lipstick plants are tropical plants so they prefer to live in places that are between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Be careful to not let them get below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or live in a space that fluctuates in temperature.

These plants love humidity making them a great bathroom plant.

Lipstick plant bloom

Lipstick Plant Toxicity

This plant is non-toxic to people and animals according to ASPCA.

Find other pet friendly plants here!

Lipstick Plant Propagation

Like most plants, lipstick plants can be easily propagated.

First, trim a piece that’s at least 4 inches long. Make sure it’s not blooming.

The best thing to do next is dip in a root hormone. I love this dry powder rooting hormone from Amazon!

Aeschynanthus Radicans or Lipstick Plant care tips and tricks. This easy to grow plant will give you fun blooms!

Then simply plant it in a pot with soil. Roots should grow within 4-6 weeks!

There you have it! Everything you need to know about how to care for a lipstick plant. Overall this is an easy, forgiving plant to have in your home!


  • Jen

    Jen got her first plant in college from her mom and the rest, as they say, is history! She's owned hundreds of plants over the years and loves learning how to grow each one. She believes everyone needs to own at least one plant in their home and loves sharing her knowledge with others.

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1 thought on “Lipstick Plant Care (Aeschynanthus Radicans)”

  1. Do you know where I can find this plant? I’ve searched high and low all over the internet and I can’t find it! The leaves look similar but not the same. Let me know thank you! I LOVE this plant so much. My friend had it and it’s taken me forever to find it. Your page is the first that I’ve seen!


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