An Easy Way to Propagate  Your Monstera

Monstera plants are amazing, large leaf plants that are surprisingly easy to propagate and share. Here's how to do it!


A node is a little brown bump coming off of one of the stems. Your cutting will need to include a node or, alternatively, an aerial root.

Find the node


Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle from the mother plant. Make sure the clipping has 2-3 leaves. If there are any leaves below the node, trim them away.

Cut the Stem


Place cutting in water

Fill a propagation station with water. Place your  cuttings in the water, ensuring that the nodes are fully submerged. Change the water weekly, and avoid direct sunlight!


Watch for roots

After a few weeks, sometimes up to a couple months, you’ll start to see little roots form!


Plant your cutting

Once you have roots it’s time to plant them! Use a new pot and indoor potting soil. Your plant may look a little sad after being planted — the shock of going from water to soil will wear off, be patient!

Want more propagation tips and 3 other methods to try? Head to the blog!