3 Top Care Tips

Philodendron White Night

The Philodendron White Knight is one of the most rare and desired tropical houseplants and it’s easy to see why. Here are 3 tips to help this stunning plant thrive!




Water your plant once every 7-10 days, once the top few inches of soil are dry. Don't let your White Knight sit in water.

Water Droplet

Bottom watering is a good method for this plant!

Water Droplet

Good to know...


Your White Knight will thrive when you keep it in bright, indirect light conditions.

Green Sun


good to know...

Too much bright sunlight can scorch the leaves. If bright direct light is the only option, make sure it's filtered.

Green Sun



Use an airy, well-draining soil mix and make sure your pot has a drainage hole to avoid root rot.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!