3 Top Care Tips

Philodendron Burle Marx

The Philodendron Burle Marx is an eye-catching, low-maintenance, vining house plant that is easy to grow in a pot or hanging basket. Here are 3 tips to help this stunning plant thrive!




Maintain a consistent watering schedule so the soil is moist but not wet. Avoid overwatering!

Water Droplet

Stick your finger in the top two inches of soil — if it dry, it's time to water!

Water Droplet

the finger test...


This plant loves bright indirect light (or direct light with a filter).

Green Sun


good to know...

A north facing window is a great place for your indoor plant!

Green Sun



Use a soil-less mix such as peat moss with sphagnum or coco cubes with coco peat combined. (Avoid perlite or sand based potting soil.)

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!