3 Care Tips for Kalanchoe Tomentosa

Panda Plant

The Kalanchoe Tomentosa is a cute and distinctive — albeit toxic to small children and pets — with velvety leaves that earned it the name Panda Plant.  Here's your guide to caring for this unique succulent!




This is a drought-tolerant succulent, so take care not to overwater to avoid root rot.

Water Droplet

Water your Panda Plant only when the soil is dry to the touch.

Water Droplet

good to know...

Sun & Light

This plant can tolerate six or more hours of bright, indirect sunlight each day!

Green Sun


good to know...

You can even keep it outdoors during the summer as long as temps don't drop below 68 F.

Green Sun



Choose a well draining soil such as a cactus or succulent soil.

Good to know...

Improve the drainage by mixing  perlite and/or sand into your soil, and use a pot with drainage holes.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!