How to Care for an Orchid after it Blooms

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Caring for an orchid is no small task.  Check out these easy tips to keep your plant  blooming & beautiful!

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When the bloom Fades...

Cut the orchid stem off after the flower blooms. Do this if you still have a healthy orchid flower spike that has the strength to produce a new flower.


Curved Scissors



The most popular method of cauterizing the stem is by dusting cinnamon powder on it.  Dip a cotton swab in cinnamon and gently rub it on the cut-end of the orchid stem.



Another piece of important orchid care is that they should not be fertilized at all during the blooming period. The ideal time to fertilize your orchid is after blooming.

Green Bag

Applying fertilizer to your orchids after blooming is an excellent way to help your plant replenish its energy after blooming.

Length Comparison

Looking for more  orchid tips & tricks?  Click the link below!

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