Top Care Tips

Monstera Thai Constellation

Thai Constellations have the classic Monstera leaves, but they are variegated in a very unique pattern. The leaves have cream and green marbled patterns.  Here are 3 tips to care for this gorgeous plant!




Only water when the soil looks or feels very dry, and don't let your plant sit in water.

Water Droplet

Choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent root rot!

Water Droplet

Don't forget...


These plants thrive on bright, indirect light — six to eight hours each day is ideal!

Green Sun


good to know...

Low light conditions are not recommended for variegated plants. Use a grow light, as needed!

Green Sun



Use a light, well-draining soil like a premade aroid mix including orchid bark, fern fiber, pumice, horticultural charcoal, and organic matter.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!