5 Amazing Low Light Plants

Is your home short on natural light? These low light plants are perfect — and they're not boring or ugly!


Fluorescent light and zero real sun don't faze these hardy plants! Bring them to the office or stick them in the corner, and they’ll do just fine.

2. Spider plant

Spider plants adapt well to all light and will do just fine in low light areas. They're super easy to care for and make a big impact in a room!

3. bird's nest fern

This fun plant does well in both low and bright light so it’s super versatile. Be sure to water this one weekly though!

4. zz plant

ZZ plants can thrive in all different light conditions, including low light. They're also easy to propagate and do fine if you forget to water them!

5. snake plant

Snake plants are among the easiest plants to care for. These beauties can tolerate low light and minimal watering and still look amazing.

Want more plants that love low-light environments? Head to the blog!