3 Top Plant Care Tips

Burro's Tail

The Burro’s Tail — Sedum morganianum — is a unique, trailing succulent that is as easy to grow as it is beautiful.  Here are my top 3 care tips!




Your watering schedule will depend on the climate. Water more often in hot, dry weather., and less often in colder months.

Water Droplet

Wait for the soil to be completely dry before watering.

Water Droplet

Good to know...

Sun & Light

This succulent thrives in plenty of bright sunlight. Find a spot in your home with bright light or full sun for 5 hours a day.

Green Sun


good to know...

A south-facing window with direct sunlight is best, but grow lights will work, too!

Green Sun



Use well-draining soil such as a cactus mix boosted with perlite, and make sure your pot has drainage holes.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!