How to Propagate an Elephant Bush

Want to propagate your beautiful Elephant Bush? Here's how to turn your small stem cuttings into more beautiful plants!

If you choose to propagate your plant, the best time do this is in spring or early summer.

Before You Begin

Choose a healthy stem and take a cutting that is 3 to 4 inches long. Remove the bottom leaves so that one pair remains at the top of each cutting.

Take Your Cuttings



Dip the end of the stem into rooting hormone powder, then place it in well draining soil. A new root system should begin to form within 2 -3 weeks. Keep the soil moist during this time, but not too wet.

Propagate in Soil

Rooting these plants in water is possible, but not preferred because they don't like being wet. If you choose to propagate it water, choose a long stem (5-6 inches) and change the water daily. Plant when roots are about an inch long.

Good to Know

For more Elephant Bush tips and tricks, head to the blog!