3 Top Plant Care Tips

Clumpy Mistletoe Cactus

Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides — or Clumpy Mistletoe Cactus — has tiny branchlets with long green stems that may flower under the right conditions.  Here are my top 3 care tips for this beautiful plant!




The the soil moist but not soggy. Let the top 1/2-inch of soil dry out completely before watering.

Water Droplet

This plant loves rainwater! Avoid using hard water.

Water Droplet

Good to know...

Sun & Light

The Clumpy Mistletoe Cactus does not like full bright sunlight!

Green Sun


good to know...

Grow it in a place where it receives filtered light and only morning or evening sun.

Green Sun



Using a mix that is one part regular potting mix, one part orchid bark and one part perlite is a good mix of ingredients to allow for your plant to thrive.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!