7 Amazing Pink Succulents to Grow At Home

Succulents are easy to care for and also gorgeous — with diversity in size, shape, and color!  These are 7 of my favorite varieties of pink succulents! 

1. Moonstone  Pachyphytum oviferum

Opalescent in color, the moonstone succulent comes in a range of hues including pink, purple, blue, and green.

2. Sunrise / Sand Rose PAnacampseros Rufescens

This succulent grows best in bright, but indirect light ideally from the morning sun.

3. Calico Kitten  Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata’

Perfect for hanging baskets or as ground cover, this trailing succulent has vibrant heart-shaped leaves that range in color from green to pink.

4. Ghost Plant  Graptopetalum paraguayense

These rapidly growing succulents  produce yellow or white star-shaped flowers and their leaves grow in a rosette pattern. 

5. Jelly Bean  Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’

For a more intense hue, give these succulents more sun exposure; insufficient light will cause these plants to revert to green.

6. Sedum Versadense

This succulent shrub only grows to about 6 inches tall and wide.

(Image via Walawalstudio)

7. Pink Granite  Sedeveria

The pink granite succulent has a long stem and heavy rosette identifiable by its soft pink leaves.

Want care tips for these — and 14 more!— pink succulents? Head to the blog!