5 Best Air Purifying Plants

How well a plant scrubs the air depends on many factors — but there's no doubt that plants have a positive impact on air quality. Here are 5 of our favorite 'air purifying' plants!

1. Snake plant

Removes 107 known air pollutants AND produces a ton of oxygen at night. Not to mention, they're super easy to care for.

2. Spider plant

Another easy plant to grow, these will  shoot out babies that are even easier to propagate (more babies = more plants = cleaner air).

3. pothos

Pothos removes toxins from the air and is easy to care for and propagate! A great choice for beginners.

4. Rubber plant

These beautiful, large plants can clear toxins like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde —and potentially grow to 10 feet tall. 

5. peace lily

These can improve your air quality by as much as 60% and keep shower tiles and curtains free from growing mildew.

For two more air purifying plants and plant care tips,  head to the blog!