3 Top Care Tips

Whale Fin Plant

With paddle-like leaves and dark green mottling, the whale fin plant is a gorgeous addition to any plant collection. Here are 3 tips to help this gorgeous plant thrive!




These plants are very drought tolerant and only need to be watered once the soil is completely dry.

Water Droplet

Stick your finger (or a chopstick) all the way to the bottom of the pot. Only water if your finger comes out dry. If there is soil sticking to you, wait before watering.

Water Droplet

the finger test...


Aim for five to six hours of medium, indirect light each day.

Green Sun


good to know...

While this plant can tolerate low light conditions, they won't thrive in low light for long periods.

Green Sun



Use a well-draining soil and make sure your pot has a drainage hole in the bottom to avoid sogginess.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!