3 Top Care Tips

Hoya Pubicalyx Plant

There are a few Hoyas that make ideal houseplants and Hoya Pubicalyx is one of them!  Here's your guide to helping this gorgeous plant thrive!




This Hoya likes to be totally dried out before watering. Watering once every two weeks is a general guideline.

Water Droplet

Stick your finger in the soil — if the top few inches are dry, it's time to water!

Water Droplet

the finger test...


Give your plant at least six or more hours daily of filtered, indirect sunlight.

Green Sun


good to know...

Avoid direct sunlight, as that can burn the foliage. Medium to bright indirect light is best.

Green Sun



Choose a loose, well-draining, and aerated soil. Regular potting soil OK if supplemented with perlite or orchid bark.

Make your own Mix

You can also use a cactus mix and add orchid mix and perlite to it to make the perfect blend.

Find even more plant care tips on the blog!