How to Care for a Monstera Peru Plant

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The Monstera Peru is a rare member of the monstera genus with thick, succulent-like leaves.  Here are 3 care tips you  need to know to care for this amazing plant!




These plants thrive on bright, indirect light — four to six hours each day is ideal!  Be sure to avoid direct sunlight to protect the leaves.

Green Sun



This plant requires light, aerated soil to allow for airflow through the roots. Make your own by combining equal parts of coco coir, orchid bark, and perlite.



This plant is quite drought tolerant, so allow the potting mix to dry out completely before each watering.

Water Droplet

*Don't forget

Choose a container with drainage holes to prevent root rot!

Water Droplet

Learn how to keep your Monstera Peru  thriving on the blog!

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