5 Low-Light Hanging Plants You Can't Kill

Low on sunlight and floor space?  Let hanging low-light plants come to your rescue!  Here are 5 of our favorites.

spider plant

This is the perfect plant for beginners since they’re very hardy and easy to to grow. They do best with bright, indirect light but can survive in lower light conditions.

ZZ Plant

This plant can handle low- to no-light conditions — just make sure to keep it in a warm (60-85 F) and humid space. 

English IVY

If kept indoors, this plant prefers bright, indirect light. But outdoors it can handle a range from partial shade to bright light!

staghorn fern

This plant’s preferred lighting condition is partial shade. Bright (even indirect) light must be avoided at all costs!


Prayer plants tolerate low light during their active growing period  in spring and summer. 

Want 4 more amazing low-light hanging plants — plus care tips? Head to the blog!