Why your spider plant has brown tips!

The tips of your spider plant are browning due to one or more of the following reasons: – Watering problems – Humidity problems – Disease – Fertilizer problems – Sunlight problems

Let's discuss the watering issues!



If you’re drenching your spider plant more than once a week, you’re overwatering it. You’re also overwatering it if you’re drenching the soil even when it is moist.


Water it less often!



If you’ve been leaving your spider plant without water for weeks, then that’s a pretty good guess that it’s the cause of the brown tips. Another sign: the leaves are starting to fade in color.


Immediately water your spider plant thoroughly. Allow the excess water to drain through the pot’s hole, then water it again.


using tap water

Tap water should not be used in watering plants. It contains chemicals that can damage your spider plant.


Leave your watering can full of water out overnight. This will help neutralize the chemicals.

Dig more into other reasons why the tips are brown with solutions  on the blog!